Already in the Old Testament appeared the Christian interpretations of an apostate angel, called Fallen Angel (en.: Fallen angel). The angel is punished for his rebellion with the expulsion from heaven by God and his other angels.
Often this fallen angel was associated with personified evil, that is, with Satan. The holy, beautiful supernatural world of the fallen angel turns from a dream into a nightmare. It is like a war between beings of light and darkness. The fallen angel, a heavenly evil being.
The life-size, silver plated angel bronze figurine "Fallen Angel, represents the apostate angel fallen from the light of heaven, who is comforted by a golden colored lovely feminine angel in the earthly darkness. A return to the heavenly paradise is for our fishing rod Fallen angel bronze sculpture no longer possible.
The artist Don Alberto Carlos was deeply impressed by the Christian message that misbehavior in heaven leads to a fall into earthly darkness.
The artist now asked himself the question of the wrongdoing of a sin. This question is much more exciting than being eternally kind, because bad people go everywhere, the good people only to heaven.
Don Albert Carlos created an accomplished filigree masterpiece of high artistic rank.
The life size silver plated Bronze figure "Fallen angel can also be used as a well/water storage tank on request!